Adixen AMD 1 Diaphragm repair kit contains the following:
A&J Vacuum Repair / Rebuild and Service Vacuubrand MD1 pumps and all other Vacuubrand Diaphragm Pumps along with all other Brandtech Rotary Vane Pumps Service and repair. Please contact us for information on service program or click here to go to our Service page. We also offer Emergency service upon request. For more information Please contact A&J Vacuum Services at 973-249-0854
A&J Vacuum repair / rebuild and service Pfeiffer Adixen AMD1 Diaphragm Pumps, 109149 Pfeiffer Backing Pumps along with all other Pfeiffer Vacuum Pumps and all other Pfeiffer Leak Detector Service and repair. Please contact us for information on service program or click here to go to our Service page. We also offer Emergency service upon request. For more information Please contact A&J Vacuum Services at 973-249-0854